Friday, January 16, 2009

Ahhh, Friday....

It's the weekend once again, and this week has the bonus of a Monday holiday (Happy 80th Birthday, Dr. King - thanks for the day off). Tomorrow is "try to get stuff done around the house"day, and Sunday the Missy and I have to go to a fancy-schmancy resort for training. We are volunteering again at the JDRF Promise Ball, and have to know our jobs! Don't want to offend the people with the overstuffed wallets, don't you know. Really, I find it fun to go see how the other half lives. It sure as heck is different from the life of a grade-school teacher!!

This is the fourth year, I think, that I have volunteered for the ball. I generally help with the Silent Auction, trying to convince extremely well-to-do guests that they NEED to bid on the enormous basket of skin-care products, or that the wife would look LOVELY, INDEED wearing that beautiful handmade necklace. (Can you say schmooze?) Last year, I walked up to one of the Distinguished Senators from the Great State of Arizona - not the one who wanted to be President, he doesn't show up for stuff here that I can tell - and told him that I was certain they needed to bid on the adorable Golden Retriever puppy to keep him company in Washington, D.C. Mrs. Distinguished Senator didn't like that too much. I was quite briskly informed that their apartment building didn't allow pets. The Senator did say he'd be happy to take a look at the pup, though. Guess he didn't want to snub a potential voter. :)

I'm not sure where I get the bravado to waltz up to people who could buy and sell me in a blink and tell them how to spend their money. I guess it's having to watch my daughter insert infusion sets into her belly, waking up to poke her finger in the middle of the night, spending hours on the phone with the insurance company to get her supplies and prescriptions, and all the assorted other details that come with trying to be another person's pancreas. I want them to turn over every stinking dime they have to someone who can end all this. I want a CURE.

Right now, I'm settling for a 3-day weekend.

PS Go Cardinals and Steelers!

1 comment:

  1. HA! You thought you were being sneaky...I found your blog and I'm SOOOO excited!!!!

    Thanks for all your hard work at JDRF!!! Once I have 1 (or 2) not so little girls anymore, I'll be schmoozing right there with ya, girlie!


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