Monday, June 1, 2009

In the good old summertime....

the kids will gripe and whine.

Thus ends my attempt at modifying old song lyrics. ;)

We are now ending the first Monday of summer vacation, and my dear children are "so, so, so, so, so, so DESPERATELY bored"! Because, you know, they have nothing at all to occupy their time....unless you count the books, games, toys, electronic gadgets, 250+ channels of television and music, the swimming pool, the bikes and skateboards and scooters. Nope, those don't count.

Thankfully, next week they will both be off to their special trips.
Miss M is off to Camp AZDA, the ADA's camp for kids with diabetes. This is her fourth summer going to camp, and it is the ABSOLUTE HIGHLIGHT of her entire year. Last year, she announced that she wanted to live there all year, even though it's not actually D camp year-round....didn't matter. She is also VERY excited to have our good friend, known at camp as "Knockout", as her DC (diabetic counselor) this year. Each cabin has a young adult with Type 1 assigned to that group; generally each cabin has 6 or 8 girls, I believe. They also have Med Staff, which can be a nurse, doctor, CDE or other medical professional that is experienced in dealing with the D Monster. These wonderful DCs and Staffers, all of whom have "camp names", work very hard to keep all the kids as safe as it is humanly possible to be. During the 7 days she is at D Camp, she is more closely monitored and supervised than any other place she goes - probably even more so than she is at home. There is ALWAYS someone with her that knows what to do. We check in with med staff at camp drop-off, and get a report from the same staff at camp pick-up, including a log with everything that happened d-wise during the week.

The Boy will be off to grandma and grandpa's house for his special time with them. Two years ago, he started going there to do Vacation Bible School in the morning at their church, and then spending the rest of the day exploring the Sonoran Desert that surrounds their home. Grandpa always enlists him to help with projects and puts him to work in one way or another, and he has a grand and glorious time being the center of attention.

And what fabulousness will I be experiencing sans children, you might ask?
Hold onto your hats - *I* will be recuperating from a tonsillectomy. Yes, that's right, at the tender age of I will be saying goodbye to my germ-laden, oversized, nasty sickness-bearing tonsils. Doesn't THAT just sound like fun?

May I just say that one of the worst things I've chosen to do in the last week or so was to google "adult tonsillectomy" and spend 2 hours reading assorted postings from previous patients. DUH!!! I had already heard plenty of stories from people, but I just felt some insane need to try to negate those stories with internet info. DOUBLE DUH!!!! While I knew it wasn't going to be the most pleasant thing I've experienced, I was hoping it wasn't going to be that bad. One of my brothers had to have his palate and uvula reshaped due to sleep apnea, and had a really, really unpleasant couple of weeks. My hope is that it won't be quite as bad as his recovery turned out to be. Did I mention that I have the pain tolerance of...something with absolutely no pain tolerance? I'm the mom who asked for the epidural at 7 months....I'm hoping for a swift recovery, or at least for good pain meds.

Otherwise, it won't be the kids doing the griping and whining.

1 comment:

  1. Hello (hello, hello, hello) there an echo in here?

    So good to see you again :)

    I'll be praying for your swift recovery from that tonsillectomy!!!!

    And, since you'll be hanging out recovering...what a great time to keep your blog updated!!!!!

    Thanks for the mental health dinner the other day...I NEEDED THAT!


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